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Women & Alcoholism

Diane Schuler and the Female DUI Epidemic

The danger of cultural double-stigma for female alcoholics, particularly in mothers, and the rise of female alcoholism in recent decades.

Are You an Invisible Alcoholic? High functioning and other alcoholics that don't fit the typical "mold". 


A.A. History & More


Why Bill W. Wrote the 12 Steps Twice Historical and interesting view of Bill's evolution between the Big Book and the Twelve and Twelve.

The Angry Atheist Who Made AA Great What really prompted the artistic license Bill used with Ebby's words about "a power greater than yourself". 

The Big Book's Case of Mistaken Identity The false attribution of the "contempt prior to investigation" line. 

The Secret History of the Serenity Prayer With Niebuhr’s permission, Wilson began using a shortened version of the prayer, with this essay containing much of the author's history. The original form of the Serenity Prayer has, by the way, evolved into 5 different oft-used versions. Here's my take on it, as well a list of all the versions I have found. 

Who Really Founded AA? A detailed look at the many people who influenced A.A.'s inception. 

Cheever on AA and Money How the Twelve Traditions and other guidelines have provided surprising financial sustainability for A.A. when other organizations (with more income streams) have failed.

Other Addictions

Addiction and America's Fat Problem The U.S.' inability to accept and tolerate addiction leads to an absence of awareness about our the truth of the obesity epidemic. 

I recommend The Fix for further reading. The Fix is self-described as the "world's premier website about addiction and recovery, featuring a daily mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, investigative reports, essays and blogs on sober living, lifestyle and cultural resources, as well as knowledge and wisdom from expert counsel."



Recovery Reads


from the work of

the incredible 

Susan Cheever.


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