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The Science Behind the Big Book 

While the Big Book (and the Twelve and Twelve) is predominately a spiritual book of tools and ideas (primarily the Twelve Steps), it does touch on science - particularly within "The Doctor's Opinion." However, although science and the medical community are touched upon throughout both volumes at various times - it is not the primary purpose of the book. This page contains scientific research that corroborates statements and observations in the Big Book - ones that had not been discovered in any evidence-based study when the book was written, but over time became clear that Alcoholics Anonymous appears to have contained astute observations that science eventually caught up with.


Some examples are: alcoholism can go faster in women (Alcoholics Anonymous p. 33), that spirituality can quell addiction (throughout the book - see the study below about spirituality/religion taking place in the same part of the brain as addiction) among many others. I have also included new study results showing the incredible efficacy and positive outcomes of the program offered by way of Alcoholics Anonymous

Women and Gender Issues


Spirituality/Religion and Addiction Correlation (in the brain):


Shame is the Biggest Precipitator of Relapse:

The Efficacy of A.A.:

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